

The term co-parenting describes a relationship in which two parents are no longer romantically involved, but assume joint responsibility for parenting the child. Often co-parenting occurs following a separation, divorce , or breakup of a partnership in which children are involved. When co-parenting, both parents choose to put aside personal differences in order to support their child’s development. 

Co-parenting often provides the following benefits: 


  • Stability 
  • Limiting a child from feeling like they need to be a parent to themselves 
  • Providing a framework to teach children how to have healthy relationships 
  • Teaching conflict resolution and problem solving skills 


However, co-parenting can be an extremely difficult process as it is greatly influenced by the interactions between each parent. Co-parenting requires empathy, patience, and communication in order to be successful. 

If you are thinking of engaging in a co-parenting relationship or are having difficulty managing co-parenting, consider contacting us to see how we can help! 

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