

Burnout can be defined as a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion. Burnout often occurs when we feel overwhelmed with stress, overworked, and/or emotionally drained. Burnout can have many negative effects including reduced productivity, increased feelings of helplessness or hopelessness, as well as long-term changes to our bodies due to prolonged stress. 

Signs and symptoms of burnout can include:  
  • Feeling tired and drained often 
  • Lowered immunity, frequently sick 
  • Frequent headaches or pain
  • Changes in appetite or sleeping habits 
  • A sense of failure or self-doubt 
  • Feeling helpless or defeated
  • Detachment or feeling alone in the world 
  • Loss of motivation 
  • An increasingly negative outlook 
  • Decreased life satisfaction 
  • Withdrawal from responsibilities 
  • Isolation 
  • Procrastination or taking longer to complete tasks 
  • Using food, drugs, or alcohol to cope with stress 
  • Taking out frustrations on others or aggressive behaviour 
  • Skipping work or tardiness 

    Causes of Burnout 

    We often hear the term burnout when talking about work. However, anyone who feels overworked and undervalued is at risk for burnout. Some causes of burnout can include having little or no control over your work, feeling underappreciated, working in a high pressure environment, not having enough time to socialize or relax, having a lack of close relationships, not getting enough sleep, or taking on too many responsibilities. Additionally, several personality traits can place individuals at risk for burnout including being a perfectionist, having a pessimistic view of the world, having a need to be in control, or being a high-achiever. 

    How is burnout treated? 

    Treatment of burnout focuses mostly on reducing stress and learning stress management techniques. Additionally, learning self-care strategies and accessing social support are crucial for reducing the impact of stress in one’s life. 

    If you’re feeling burnout or recognize some of the above symptoms in yourself, consider contacting us to see how we can help you. 

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